This weekend i finished the new script, which i sent off to the tutors and got feedback on today, Diane says its much better, i think its certainly a tighter script than it was before, though im not sure its how i wanted it to be i'll stick with it now as time is ticking on. Had a play around with the steadycam equipment, its awkward as hell but is pretty good and much better than handheld. i think we may use it. I also forgot to mention that we had a session in the film studio against the blue screen where we tested and planned out how some of the special effects shots would go, when i get the time i'll have to have a look but it was pretty fun. we've also had a meeting with the council representative, our description of what we were going to do on the street seemed okay but he wants a more detailed risk assessment saying exactly what we are going to do, so craig is on that case.
Richard didnt like it that much, but i did when i had a try!
Craig against the blue screen.
Blue screen ready!
Lighting board setup
This was an idea to get the image of Super Joe pushing something heavy.
Craig is hanging off the side of a building!