Friday, 20 January 2012

Drama Project "The Good Samaritan" Complete.

I’m not totally satisfied with the final product, but when I watched the footage back after our shoot I thought it was going to be absolutely awful, but after a good bit of editing it didn’t turn out too bad, it’s just not as good as it could be. I believe we made the best of what we had in the situation we were in. Each member of the team pulled their weight and we ended up with a decent production. I am satisfied however, with what I have learned from the whole experience, and I know what to do differently for the next production.

Next time I think we should have our pre-production work finished a lot earlier to give us enough time to find the right actors and locations for the project. I think we should also take more care and time while we are out on a shoot so it can be as good as it should. I’ve learned that preparation is very important when it comes to shooting and that teamwork is equally important.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Drama almost done

Editing is going good, the footage looks okay in sequence, personally I think it lacks a lot of close-ups and is too many long shots, but Dan seems to be happy with it. Me and Dan went out to record some new sound we can use as background atmosphere since the sound while shooting was pretty bad, and we are placing that on the edit suite. We’re not getting the actors back to fix the speech which is a shame. We should finish the project next week.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Trailer Mix-up: Code Of Silence

We were given the task of taking a movie and making a trailer for it, as a bit of fun  Mike wanted us to try making it look like something it isnt. I thought it was a rather fun editing exercise. My group chose the Chuck Norris movie 'Code of Silence', and the idea was to change it from an action movie, to a gay-romance thriller revenge movie. The film is rather over the top in the first place but it was great fun putting this together, even if the final product doesn't make much sense and is rather far-fetched. There's a few rather bad-ass moments towards the end since Chuck Norris is kind of a legend in today's geek culture.
Check it out below:

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Drama Update

We have loaded the footage onto the edit suite and watched it back, and managed a rough edit and the stuff is OK bar a few problems. There are a few obvious continuity errors, water on the lens in a few shots due to the heavy rain, but my biggest problem is with the sound. There is no sound at all through the first outdoor scene which we will have to fix, the sound for the rest of the footage is there, but the acoustics in the locations mean the quality of the sound isn’t as good as it should be. Hopefully I think we should get in contact with the actors and arrange a re-dub of the sound. Editing will properly start next week.